
The recorded history of the Jews in Angola stretches from the Middle Ages to modern times. From the 1500s Jewish settlers moved to Angola due to  persecution in Portugal.

Some historians claim that Paulo Dias de Novais, a grandson of Bartholomew Dias was a Converso colonizer who became Lord-Proprietor of Angola in 1571 and who brought Jewish artisans to Luanda where a clandestine rabbi was conducting services in a secret Luanda synagogue. By the late eighteenth century more Jews arrived and a community was functioning in Dondo.

Catumbela,  has 12 Jewish graves. Benguela, has a small Jewish corner in the  cemetery “Campo da Igualdade” Luanda. In Alto das Cruzes, there are 2 Jewish tombstones.

A very small community of Jews lives in Angola mostly in the capital city of Luanda with a handful scattered elsewhere of mixed origins and backgrounds. There are also a number of transitory business people living in Angola.  Angola’s Jews are a diverse bunch comprising of Israelis, Europeans and Americans, Jewish company employees and expatriates working and living in Angola.