
In November, 1938, 400 Austrian refugees sailed into Liberia as refugees, however it is not clear what became of them.

Currently Jews are in Liberia for “tikkun olam”, alleviating human misery, and global justice. The agency for international development, MASHAV, is involved in ongoing projects in aqua culture and emergency medicine.

Israel has also invested in water treatment, recycling of sewage water, water purification and sea water desalination as well as supporting local communities as they deal with such health  and social issues as Ebola, AIDS/HIV and human rights.

Liberia’s senate president, Armah Zolu Jallah, thanked Israel for its aid in helping to eradicate a fatal Ebola outbreak in his West African country. In 2014, Israel sent aid — mobile clinics, training of medical teams and visits by Israeli medical experts — to Liberia to help halt the severe Ebola outbreak there.

MASHAV, Israel’s official international development cooperation program, reportedly provided humanitarian aid and PPE equipment to “young single mothers and families” in Liberia personally affected by COVID-19. The aid itself, in terms of PPE, consisted of 8,000 N-95 face masks, 80 thermometers and hundreds of medical gowns.

With regard to humanitarian aid, MASHAV donated three tons of rice, 600 liters of cooking oil, 60 dozen cans of sardines, 15,000 cotton face masks, 2,000 bottles of bleach, 2,000 boxes of powdered soap, 200 hundred Veronica Buckets and 150 cases of hand sanitizer. For the young and single mothers, Israel provided sewing machines and hair products.